Welcome to the Chen Group at HKUST
The Chen Group is a dynamic experimental physical chemistry research group in the Department of Chemistry at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), led by Prof. Tengteng Chen.
Our research focuses on using cutting-edge spectroscopic techniques to study the dynamics and properties of novel materials from a molecular perspective. We utilize both ultrafast spectroscopy techniques, such as two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) and UV-Vis-NIR transient absorption (TA) spectroscopy, as well as steady-state spectroscopy, including photoelectron spectroscopy. By understanding the structures and dynamics of materials, we can connect them to their functions and macroscopic properties.
We are actively hiring! The Chen group welcome motivated postdoc researchers, graduate and undergraduate students to join the group.

Research Areas
Our group is dedicated to exploring a diverse range of systems in physical chemistry, with a particular focus on the following areas:
- Polariton chemistry in solution phase
- Quantum materials in solid state
- Nanoclusters in gas phase
- Spectroscopy and ultrafast dynamics
Our research efforts currently focus on investigating the following topics:
- Structures and ultrafast dynamics of molecules and materials in chemical environments and optical cavities
- Multidimensional spectroscopies to investigate various topics in physical chemistry and materials science
- Chemical reactions under strong light-matter interactions (Vibrational Strong Coupling)