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Our research focuses on using cutting-edge spectroscopic techniques to study the dynamics and properties of novel materials from a molecular perspective. By understanding the structures and dynamics of materials, we can connect them to their functions and macroscopic properties.

We utilize both ultrafast spectroscopy techniques, such as two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) and UV-Vis-NIR transient absorption (TA) spectroscopy, as well as steady-state spectroscopy, including photoelectron spectroscopy.

We push the frontier of ultrafast optical techniques by developing methods that can track dynamics in frequency, time, and spatial domains. We are also collaborating with other groups to study gas-phase nanoclusters. Our research interests span several scientific areas, including polariton chemistry in solution phase, quantum materials in solid state, and nanoclusters in gas phase.

We are particularly interested in the emerging field of polariton chemistry, which utilizes strong light-matter interactions inside optical cavities to modify chemical reactions. By using ultrafast spectroscopy, we can extensively study the dynamics and mechanisms of chemical reactions under strong light-matter interactions, where the optical cavity modes strongly couple with the molecular vibrational modes to form vibrational strong coupling (VSC) conditions.

Our goal is to advance our understanding of the fundamental principles that govern chemical reactions and materials properties, with the ultimate aim of developing new technologies and applications that benefit society.

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